Station 9: the way of the cross

Station 9: the way of the cross

Weakened by a gruelling beating, Jesus is made to carry his own cross. Crowds rush round him, taunting and raging, the women weep, emotions run high. Jesus again directs love to those around him, and to those in grief he says “do not weep for me, but for yourselves and your children”, even to the soldiers who are about to kill him he says “Father forgive them for they know not what they do”. Jesus denies himself, he literally, and metaphorically, takes up his cross. Self-denial is not self-annihilation, or self-righteousness, Jesus still cares, his will is resolute, his love is free.



Lord Jesus, you carried your cross through the street of Jerusalem,
be with those who have burdens they cannot bear.
You bore the weight of our sins when you carried the cross,
help us to realise the extent of your love for us.

Holy God,
holy and strong,
holy and immortal,
have mercy upon us.
